Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

Kremi (Portulaca L. quadrifida)

Scientific Name
Portulaca L. quadrifida
Region Name
Java : Kremi
Gorontalo : Jalu-spur bobudo
Division : Spermatophyta
Sub Division : Angiospermae
Class : Dicotyledoneae
Nation : Caryophyllales
Tribe : Portufacaceae
Surname : Portulaca
Type : Portulaca L. quadrifida
Habitus : Bush, spreads, annuals, ± 20 cm long.
Trunk : Round, beruas-segment, bald, purple.
Leaves : Single, oval, opposite, 3-10 cm long, 1,5-3,5 cm wide, flat edge, the tip and rounded base, pinnate pertulangan, purplish green.
Flowers : Single, the round, in the armpit leaves, petals attach, green, yellow-green stamens, stigmas forked, stigma round, green, crown funnel shape, bare, rounded tip, barbed, 3-6 cm long, yellow.
Fruit : Oval, yellowish green.
Beans : kidney shape, brown.
Roots : steep, pale yellow.
Chemical Ingredients
Kremi herbs contain saponins and tannins.
Leaf kremi efficacious as an upset stomach, for urine peluruh, hemorrhoids and hair loss.
For abdominal pain medications used + 7 grams kremi fresh leaves, washed, boiled with 2 cups water for 25 minutes, after the cold filtered. Distillate taken twice as many morning and afternoon.

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