Scientific Name
Symphytum officinale L.
Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Solanales
Tribe: Boraginaceae
Surname: Symphytum
Type: Symphytum officinale L.
Habitus: Herba, forming clumps, 20-50 cm tall.
Trunk: Artificial, not woody, stem-stemmed.
Leaves: Single, the round base telur.ujung and pointy, flat edge, rough surface, 27-50 cm long, 4,5-14 cm wide, pinnate pertulangan, stem growth is having an on base roset root, green.
Flower: Compound, funnel shape, bertaju five, five stamens, the head of a yellow sari, yellowish white.
Fruit: Round, each fruit consists of 4 seeds.
Seed: Round, small, hard, black.
Roots: steep, chocolate.
Chemical Ingredients
Kompri leaves contain alkaloida, saponins, and polyphenols flavonoida.
Leaf kompri efficacious as rheumatic drugs, drug diarrhea, typhoid medicines, drugs and medications sore stomach pains.
Rheumatic drugs used to ± 15 grams kompri fresh rnuda leaves, washed, diced, eaten as lalab.
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