Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

Krangkong (Ludwigia adscendens)


Scientific Name
Ludwigia adscendens (L.) Kara
Region Name
Batak: What a waste
Sundanese: Kambang peucit, Kaloga, ganggeng landeuy,
Java: Krangkong, Crema, boyfriend banyu, Tread doro
Madura: Pangeor
Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Myrtales
Tribe: Onagraccae
Surname: Ludwigia
Type: Ludwigia adscendens (L.) Kara
Habitus: Herbaceous plant, aquatic, reptile, or creeping, 20-40 cm tall.
Trunk: Round, beruas-segments, each segment of the reptile to grow roots, soft, hollow, green or reddish green.
Leaves: Single, without penumpu leaves, take turns sitting, scattered, short stem, oval shape, the tip rounded, base tapering, bone pinnate leaves, smooth, shiny, green.
Interest: singles, pairs one, in the armpit leaves, clusters, berbilang 2-6, 4 pieces of petals, pointed tip, green, flower axis of the tube, the crown off, 4 pieces, 1-2 cm long, smooth, sitting on would fruit, stamens 4, pale yellow.
Fruit: Single, buni, such as capsule form elongated, pointed tip, 2-3 cm long, green.
Seed: Round, many, hard, dark brown.
Roots: fibers, dirty white.
Ecology and Distribution
Is a water plant that grows wild on the banks of the river, rice fields or places of watery, at an altitude of 10 m to 1600 m above sea level. Flowering in May to August and can be done pengurnpulan materials throughout the year.
Chemical Ingredients
Krangkong plant parts contain saponin, kardenolin and flavonoids.
Leaves, or whole plant parts krangkong fresh or after drying efficacious for anti pain, fever and peluruh urine.
For migraine headaches krangkong plant parts as much as 30 grams of fresh, washed with 200 ml boiled water to boiling for 10 minutes, filtered, after a cool drink at the same time, do 2 times a day, for drug fever krangkong plant parts as much as 60 grams of freshly boiled washed with 400 ml of water to boil for 15 minutes, filtered, after a cold drink 2 times a day morning and afternoon.

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