Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

Kina / Quinine (Cinchona Succirubra)

Kina / Quinine (Cinchona Succirubra)
Scientific Name
Cinchona succirubra Pavón et Klot.
Synonym: Cinchona pubescens Vahl.
Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Rubiales
Tribe: Rubiaceae
Surname: Cinchona
Type: Cinchona succirubra Pavón et Klot.
Habitus: Tree height ± 17 m.
Trunk: woody, round, greenish brown.
Leaves: Single, oval, almost round, flat-edge and the base of a blunt tip, 15-35 cm long, 9-23 cm wide, pertulangan pinnate, young red-green after dark.
Interest: Compound, star shape, stem 5-11 cm, yellowish white, bertaju five petals, the base blend, green, five stamens, stem of a white sari, sari brown head, green pistil, the crown of tubes, tip enlarged, pale brown .
Fruit: box, oval, hard, light brown.
Seed: Small, black,
Roots: steep, whitish-brown.
Chemical Ingredients
Contains quinine bark alkaloida, saponin, flavonoida and politenol.
Quinine bark as a medicine efficacious malaria, fever and appetite enhancer.
Malaria drugs used for ± 2 grams of quinine bark powder, brewed with 1 cup of hot boiled water after a cold filtered. Distillate taken twice a day as many morning and afternoon.

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