Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

Ketepeng China (Cassia alata L.)

Ketepeng China
Scientific Name
Cassia alata L.
Region Name
Malays: Leaf Kupang
Sundanese: Ki manila
Java: Ketepeng Central China
Madura: Acong-acong
Ternate: Kupang, Kupang
Tidore: Tabakun
Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Resales
Tribe: Leguminosae
Surname: Cassia
Type: Cassia alata L.
Habitus: Perdu, height ± 5 m.
Trunk: woody, rounded, branching simpodial, dirty brown.
Leaves: Compound, pinnate, even, the child leaves eight to twenty-four pairs, the long round shape, the blunt edge, the edge of the flat, rounded base, 3,5-15 cm long, 2,5-9 cm wide, pinnate pertulangan, short shaft , green.
Flower: Compound, stem form, sharing five petals, three stamens, yellow, short peiindung leaves, orange, crown form of a butterfly, yellow.
Fruits: pods, long, quadrangular, ± 18 cm long, ± 2.5 cm wide, green when young dark brownish black.
Beans: An aspect of three-pointed, thin, young black and green after dark.
Roots: steep, branching, round, blackish.
Chemical Ingredients
China ketepeng leaves contain alkaloida, saponin, flavonoida, tannins and antrakinon.
Ketepeng leaves China as a drug berhasiat scabies and malaria drugs.
For scabies medications used ± 10 grams of fresh leaves ketepeng china, washed and crushed to pulp. Then stick to the scab and wrapped with a clean cloth.

Kimpul / Purse (Xanthosoma violaceum Schoot)

Kimpul / Purse
Scientific Name
Xanthosoma violaceum Schoot
Region Name
Sundanese: purse
Java: Bentul, Linjik
North Halmahera: Dilago gogomo
Synonym: Xanthosoma nigrum (Veil.) Mansf.
Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Monocotyledoneae
Nation: Arales
Tribe: Araceae
Surname: Xanthosoma
Type: Xanthosoma violaceum Schoot
Habitus: Herb, Annual, height + 2 m.
Trunk: Upright, not woody, rounded, forming tubers, white-brown.
Leaves: Single, heart shape, curved base, pointed tip, the flat, 25-75 cm long, 30-60 cm wide, green.
Interest: Tuna, cylindrical, in the armpit leaves, stems 20-30 cm, sodet form seludang flowers, white, stamens and pistils are arranged in hump, yellow.
Fruit: Buni, + 5 cm in diameter, green.
Seed: Round long, grooved lengthwise, green.
Roots: fibers, white.
Chemical Ingredients
Leaves and roots contain saponin and wallet flavonoida, besides the leaves also contain alkaloida and polyphenols.
Tuber purse efficacious as ulcer pain medicine.
Ulcer drugs used to + 25 g wallet, washed and finely crushed and then applied to the part that ulcers and wrapped with a clean cloth.

Kina / Quinine (Cinchona Succirubra)

Kina / Quinine (Cinchona Succirubra)
Scientific Name
Cinchona succirubra Pavón et Klot.
Synonym: Cinchona pubescens Vahl.
Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Rubiales
Tribe: Rubiaceae
Surname: Cinchona
Type: Cinchona succirubra Pavón et Klot.
Habitus: Tree height ± 17 m.
Trunk: woody, round, greenish brown.
Leaves: Single, oval, almost round, flat-edge and the base of a blunt tip, 15-35 cm long, 9-23 cm wide, pertulangan pinnate, young red-green after dark.
Interest: Compound, star shape, stem 5-11 cm, yellowish white, bertaju five petals, the base blend, green, five stamens, stem of a white sari, sari brown head, green pistil, the crown of tubes, tip enlarged, pale brown .
Fruit: box, oval, hard, light brown.
Seed: Small, black,
Roots: steep, whitish-brown.
Chemical Ingredients
Contains quinine bark alkaloida, saponin, flavonoida and politenol.
Quinine bark as a medicine efficacious malaria, fever and appetite enhancer.
Malaria drugs used for ± 2 grams of quinine bark powder, brewed with 1 cup of hot boiled water after a cold filtered. Distillate taken twice a day as many morning and afternoon.

Kismis (Muehlenbeckia platyclada)

Scientific Name
Muehlenbeckia platyclada (F.v. Muell.) Meissn.
Region Name
Sundanese: Raisins
Java: Enceng-Enceng
Synonym: Homalocladium platycladum (Fv Muell.) Bailey
Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Polygonales
Tribe: Polygonaceae
Surname: Muehlenbeckia
Type: Muehlenbeckia platyclada (Fv Muell.) Meissn.
Habitus: Trees, an annual, high ± 10 m.
Trunk: woody, upright, rounded, branching simpodial, chocolate.
Leaves: Single, turns, lancet, ± 7.5 cm long, ± 0.75 cm wide, flat edge, a pointed tip and base, parallel pertulangan, green.
Flower: Compound, form reefs, androgynous, in the armpit leaves, stems round, many stamens, yellow, single pistil, white, single petals, bowl shape, green, purple oval crown.
Fruit: Buni, rounded, ± 0.5 cm in diameter, green.
Seed: Small, kidney shape, brown.
Roots: steep, brownish white.
Chemical Ingredients
Fruit and leaves contain saponin raisins, flavonoida and polyphenols.
Fruit and raisins sprue efficacious as a medicine, the sap to remove warts (bumps on the skin).
Sprue drug used to ± 30 grams of fresh fruit raisins, washed, ground up and mashed 2 cups brewed with hot boiled water, after a lukewarm filtered. Distillate used for mouthwash.

Kluwih (Artocarpus altilis)

Scientific Name
Artocarpus altilis (Park.) FSB.
Region Name
Malays: gomu
Aceh: Kulu
Batak: Kulur
Minangkabau: Kalawi
Lampung: Kaluwih
Sundanese: Kelewih
Java: Kluwih
Madura: drawstring
Bali: Kalewih
Bima: Kolo
East: Lakuf
Makassar: Gamasi
Selayar: Kuloro
Bugis: Ulo
Seram: Limes, Unas!
Halmahera: Dolai
Synonyms: Artocarpus communis J.R. & G.A. incisa (Thunb.) L.f.
Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Rosales
Tribe: Moraceae
Surname: Artocarpus
Type: Artocarpus altilisis (Park.) FSB.
Habitus: Tree, 10-25 m. high
Trunk: Upright, rounded, branching simpodial, sticky, rough surface, brown.
Leaves: Single, turns, oval, pointed tip, base tapering, edge bertoreh, 50-70 cm long, 25-50 cm wide, pinnate pertulangan, thick, rough surfaces, green.
Flowers: Single, married one, in the armpit leaves, male flowers cylindrical, 10-20 cm long, yellow, round female flowers, 2-5 cm in diameter, green.
Fruit: Artificial compound, rounded, 10-20 cm diameter, spiny soft, green.
Beans: kidney shape, 3-5 cm long, black.
Roots: steep, chocolate.
Chemical Ingredients
Kluwih flowers and leaves contain saponins, polyphenols and tannins, while the bark contains flavonoida.
Male flowers efficacious as a medicine kluwih toothache and the leaves for medicine skin disease.
For toothache medicine used 1 male flowers kluwih fruit, burnt to charcoal and crushed rnenjadi until smooth. The results of the collision is applied to the gums toothache.

Kola (Cola acuminata)

Scientific Name
Cola acuminata Schott et endl.
Synonym: Cola vera Schum
Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Maivales
Tribe: Sterculaceae
Surname: Cola
Type: Cola acuminata Schott et endl
Habitus: Tree, ± 20 m. high
Trunk: Round, woody, hard, branching, rough surface, brownish green,
Leaves: Single, scattered, stemmed, elongated oval, pointed toes, the flat, base tapering, 7-19 cm long, 2-6 cm wide, pinnate pertulangan, green.
Interest: Compound, panicle shape, petal cone shape, in the armpit leaves, young green after dark brown, the crown of stars, bertaju five, ten stamens, arranged like a star, purple, yellow pistil, whitish yellow.
Fruit: Grid, each stalk of one to five, round, elongated. each fruit contains five to fifteen
seeds, 8-15 cm long, 5-9 cm in diameter, green.
Seed: Round eggs, hard, 3-6 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, the membranes seeds taste sweet, fragrant, red.
Roots: steep, chocolate.
Chemical Ingredients
Kola seeds contain alkaloida, flavonoida and polyphenols.
Kola seeds efficacious as migraine headaches and strong medicine.
For migraine headaches are used + 5 grams of kola nut powder, brewed with 1/2 cup of hot boiled water, in chilled and filtered. Distillate taken at once.

Kola Leli (Zantedeschia aethiopica)

Kola Leli
Scientific Name
Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng.
Region Name
Jakarta: Kala lily
Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Monocotyledoneae
Nation Arales
Tribe: Araceae
Surname: Zantedeschia
Type: Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng.
Habitus: Herb, annual, high ± 2 m.
Trunk: No trunked, forming tubers, white-brown.
Leaves: Single, heart shape, curved base, pointed tip, the flat, 25-75 cm long, 30-60 cm wide, smooth, green.
Interest: Tongkal, cylindrical, in the armpit leaves, stems 20-30 cm, sodet form seludang flowers, white, stamens and pistils are arranged in outgrowth, 5-15 cm long, yellow.
Fruit: Buni, ± 5 cm in diameter, green.
Seed: Round long, grooved lengthwise, green.
Roots: fibers, white.
Chemical Ingredients
Leaves and kola lily bulbs contain saponins and polyphenols, in addition, the leaves also contain alkalolda.
Kola lily bulbs efficacious as drugs dry cough, flu and cough medicine for fever.
For dry cough medicines used + 15 grams of cola lily bulbs that have been dried and finely ground and brewed with 1 cup of boiled hot water, chilled and filtered, the filter results taken at the same time, twice a day morning and afternoon.
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